Celebrating Literacy: Grade 2

The Art Museum of South Texas serves approximately 3,500 CCISD students annually, to connect performing arts and 2nd grade classroom curriculum.

During their visit, cultural myths of the past are compared to American culture and science today. Activities include student performances of The Night the Moon Fell: A Maya Myth retold by Pat Mora, dancing, hands-on drama activities and a brief gallery tour. A follow-up visit to each CCISD campus expands upon the art of drama and dance.

Education Celebrating Literacy

Secondary Touring Program

Middle school students and Art I high school students in CCISD will receive a one-hour preparatory session that includes a slide show and hands-on lesson. Art classes will receive a guided museum tour and take part in in-depth discussions about the art, artists and their historical and social significance.

ArtReach Program

This program makes art accessible to rural and urban populations throughout South Texas. Through the program we will:

  • Present artworks from the Museum’s collection
  • Illustrate the importance of art appreciation
  • Use multi-media technologies to expand upon TEKS-integrated curriculum and student exhibits
  • Facilitate Museum visits with rural schools
  • Act as a regional resource for teachers
  • Enrich the cultural connections of South Texas through exposure to regional artists
Education ArtReach Program

Lesson Planning & Education Credits

We engage students and teachers in learning through real objects. We help build key skills in thinking critically and creatively, exposing students to the rich diversity in our community. Many programs, workshops and professional development in-services are eligible for continuing education credits for area teachers.  Check our calendar for upcoming events.

For details, contact 361-825-3508 or AMSTed@tamucc.edu




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