
The Art Museum of South Texas is excited to expand the educational opportunities available at the museum with our AMSTeens program!

Current high-school-age students can join AMSTeens and participate in a variety of events and workshops lead by professional artists throughout the summer, as well as create their own works which will be showcased in the museum.

Discover Identity

An AMSTeens Exhibition

August 14 – September 11
Hicks Gallery

A collection of artwork created by our Teen Art Council in response to “STATE OF THE ART: LOCATE, Organized by Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.” Featuring pieces created at workshops with Joey Fauerso and Mayra Zamora, as well as ones in the artists’ personal styles.

Stanton Macdonald-Wright,(American, 1890-1973), Gestation #3, 1963, oil on plywood, 23 ½ in. x 19 5/8 in., Collection of the Vilcek Foundation, New York City, New York


Teenagers interested in painting, drawing, sculpting, digital art,
writing, performing, and more are encouraged to join!
AMSTeens is a celebration of the artistic talents of the
Corpus Christi area teenage artists.

AMSTEENS Workshops

Join us for two workshops in July led by professional artists! High-school-aged artists have the opportunity to learn from creatives who have showcased their work in the Art Museum of South Texas and around Corpus Christi.  

July 16th, 1 pm – 4 pm:
Joey Fauerso – ‘Staging Our Stories – Non-Linear Storytelling Through Painting and Collage’

July 24th, 1 pm – 4 pm:
Mayra Zamora – ‘Hidden Messages – Identity Driven Creation’
This workshop is full. Join us next time!

Teen events

Throughout the year teen-centered events will be happening at the museum including tours, exhibitions, and collaborations with high school art programs! More information will be available soon. Want to help organize and plan these events? Join the AMSTeens Council!


To aid in the development and execution of AMSTeens, the Art Museum of South Texas is forming a Teen Art Advisory Council. Current high-school-age students who have an interest in art, culture, community engagement, and museum work are invited to apply. Council members will work closely with museum staff, local artists, and community leaders on the AMSTeens program and will also be involved with various volunteer activities around the museum.

All Council Member Spots are filled at this time. Check back soon for information on teen programs taking place this Fall!


Throughout the summer, Council Members will work on creating their own pieces of art inspired by/as a response to the museum’s State of the Art: Locate exhibit. The summer will end in an AMSTeens Response Exhibit and Reception showcasing the work our Council Members created over the summer!

Some of the pieces in State of the Art: Locate

(Click to enlarge)

Sama Alshaibi
The Cessation, 2019
Neon, aluminum, palm fronds, water,
copper, terracotta, and sound

Cristina Molina
Matrilineal Portrait: From the
Matriarchs Series
, 2016-2017
Archival pigment print

Joey Fauerso
Devotion Story, 2019
Painted canvas and wood

Tim Portlock
Sculpture Garden
, 2019
Archival pigment print




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