December 9 10–11:30am PRESCHOOL PICASSOS (for preschoolers ages 2-5, with an adult helper) – formerly Moms & Tots Holiday Ornaments:…


Visionarios Family Day 2022

VISIONARIOS FREE FAMILY DAY & AWARDS APRIL 10, 2022 — 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM The Port of Corpus Christi…



SATURDAY, December 11, 2021 10:00am – 3:00pm HOLIDAY FAMILY DAY FREE TO THE PUBLIC Highlighting the 12th Annual Christmas Tree…


Art Walk Block Parties: $1 Admission @ Museum + AMST Table on Lomax St

AMST will have a vendor table on Lomax Street plus $1 Admission from 5:30-9 PM at the Museum!    …


$2 Museum Admission for 2021 U.S. National Championship Attendees

Attending the Regatta Races this weekend? Stop by the Museum and enjoy $2 ADMISSION with proof of the 2021 U.S….


$2 Museum Admission for 2021 U.S. National Championship Attendees

Attending the Regatta Races this weekend? Stop by the Museum and enjoy $2 ADMISSION with proof of the 2021 U.S….


$2 Museum Admission for 2021 U.S. National Championship Attendees

Attending the Regatta Races this weekend? Stop by the Museum and enjoy $2 ADMISSION with proof of the 2021 U.S….


YOUNG ARTIST WORKSHOP: Valentine’s Day Pop Art Heart Cards

February 13 10:30am – 12pm YOUNG ARTIST WORKSHOP For ages K5-12 Valentine’s Day Pop Art Heart Cards Romero Britto is…


SUPER sARTurday: Colorfield Painting, Inspired by Alma Thomas

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. SUPER SARTURDAY For ages K5-12 Colorfield Painting, Inspired by Alma Thomas Alma Thomas was an important…



Open to the public to view our annual CHRISTMAS TREE FOREST.