2024 Visionarios Youth Art Competition Online Entry Form

  • Teacher Information

    Please enter contact information for the school teacher, parent, or private instructor submitting the entry on behalf of the students.
  • Please enter the name of the school teacher, parent, or private instructor submitting the entry on behalf of the student(s).
  • The Port of Corpus Christi generously provides award money to teachers with first place winners. A home address is required by AMST to issue award checks.
  • Please include your preferred daytime phone number for AMST staff to contact you Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Please enter your preferred email address. It may be personal, work, or other. Please enter the email address you check regularly.
  • School Information

    Please enter the appropriate information for your student. If this is a private entry, or the student is home-schooled, please indicate so in this section.
  • If the student is home schooled, or this is a private entry, please indicate so here.
  • Please enter the name of the school if applicable. If home schooled please enter "Home School". If a private entry, please enter "n/a"
  • Please enter the name of the school principal if applicable. If home schooled or private entry, please enter "n/a" in each field.
  • Please enter the phone number for the school's administrative office (main line). If home schooled or private entry, please enter an alternative phone number than the Teacher phone number above. If no alternate phone number, please enter the same phone number as entered above.
  • Student Entries

    Please click the "Add Student" button to begin entering your students' information in the pop-up window. You will need to click the "Add Student" button for each additional entry. A list of your students' information will appear below upon completing the pop-up window form. There is no limit on the number of students that can be entered. Once all your student information has been added, please click on the "Submit" button.
  • Student Name Entry Title Grade Category Medium Essay Name Phone Email Actions
    Please enter the appropriate information for each individual student entry. Unlimited student entries may be added. Just "click" on the "Add Student" button.

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